What am I called to be by God.

I don’t know the full extent of my calling. I don’t want to know, because I might ruin it. Even though I don’t know my purpose yet, I know what I’m called to be right now… at least, I think that I do.

I’m called to be a leader. I’m called to be a force of calm and stability in the Youth Group and in the church. I’m called to lead people when no one else can do it better than me. I’m called to be a mentor. I’m called to be okay with being outside of my comfort zone for the sake of other people’s gain and healthy development.

I’m called to keep being a musician. That won’t change. How it will manifest itself might. It might be that in a couple of years I won’t be the main drummer in my church. It might be that I will have to take on a musician developer role. But my calling to be a musician won’t change any time soon.

I’m called to speak the truth in my church. I’m called to give God’s messages to my church without fear and with the right amount of humility. I’m called to watch out for the sanctity of the altar of my church and to speak up against it’s tarnishing. I am called to watch for what goes on spiritually in my church and share the observations.

I’m called to share the things that God has taught me over the years in my church. I am called to use the intelligence and the wisdom that God gave me for the benefit of my church. I am called to benefit others. I am called to be responsible for how my actions affect others. I am called to be the spiritual adult that God confirmed in me.

I’m called to be like Jesus… not be Jesus. I am called to allow God to sow in me Jesus’ character and have that become intermingled with the personality that God put in me when He created me. I am called to use my personality strengths in the accomplishment of my calling and to allow God to perfect His power in my weaknesses. I’m called to be the best version of myself that I can be… a task that can only be accomplished in Jesus.

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